Up Your Score: The Underground Guide to the SAT 2009-2010 Edition [Paperback]

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

If you are reading all my articles on algebra then you should have gained good understanding of algebraic relations. Also, you know that how they originate from the word phrases in our daily lives.

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

In this article I will explain the difference between algebraic expressions and algebraic equations. You will learn that why algebra doesn't stop at algebraic expressions? Why do we need algebraic equations?

Good Sat Score

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

In my previous articles on algebra, while explaining algebraic relations, I anonymously introduced you with algebraic equations. But, in this article you will find out the clear difference between algebraic expressions and equations.

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

To understand the difference, let's review the following word phrases or sentences;

1. added to 25 times the number of lawns mowed by Arthur.

2. Arthur's earnings are added to 25 times number of lawns mowed by him.

3. Five times a number added to twenty.

4. Five times a number added to twenty is fifty.

Word phrases (sentences) number (1) and (2) are from my previous article. In word phrase number (1), "the added to 25 times number of lawns mowed by Arthur" there is only one variable which is, "number of lawns mowed". Consider we represent this variable by the letter "n"

So, the algebraic relation becomes, "60 + 25n"

In number (2) word phrase, there are two variables, earnings and number of lawns. Represent earnings by letter "e" and number of lawns by letter "n" again. The algebraic relation becomes,

e = 60 + 25n

Notice the difference between both the relations. One of them has equal sign used in it, and we call it an equation instead calling it algebraic expression as "equal" to "equate" and it becomes "equation."

The hint in the word phrase for the equation: The use of words "is" or "are" in word phrases give the indication of equations instead the algebraic expressions.

Now the solution to word phrases number (3) and (4) are given below;

3. Consider the number in the phrase is represented by letter "m", our unknown in the phrase and hence variable. The relation is given as;

5m + 20

No use of words "is" or "are" in the word phrase number (3), therefore no equal sign used in the relation. Hence, the relation is an algebraic expression.

4. In number four the relation is given below;

5m + 20 = 50

As the word "is" used in this word phrase, therefore equal is used in the relation. Hence the relation is an equation.

Equations are like a balance, having both sides equal to one another. Focus your mind to keep the balance of an equation all the times you work on them.

I hope that above explanation is enough to make all my readers understand the difference between algebraic expressions and equations.

In other words, it can be said that when there are variables involved in a relation but no equal sign is used the relation is algebraic expression and if an equal sign is used, the relation is an equation.

From here, we'll take two paths to explore algebra further. One path is exploring equations and the other is exploration of polynomials. So, stay tuned as more algebra is on its way.

Algebraic Expressions to Algebraic Equations

Monday, October 15, 2012

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

When a student declares that he does not like mathematics, probably what he meant was that he is finding the teaching of algebra difficult. In schools and colleges, algebra is the core of mathematics manipulation. Any student that has a good grip in mathematics will tell you that the secret to doing well in mathematics is having a good understanding of algebraic concepts.

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

If you are a student or perhaps your child is finding mathematics difficult, the tips below could make understanding algebraic concepts a little easy. The words that are most associated with algebraic problems are: to solve, simplify and re-arrange equations and expressions.

Solving algebraic equations

This simply requires a student to obtain a value for a variable. Ideally you have to ensure that the single variable in question is made to stay on one side of the equation. The reason for this action is to make sure that numbers are collected together separately on one side while letters or variables are collected together on the other side to avoid things been mixed up. This is the first step to solving any algebraic equations.

Checking the signs

The next important thing is to check the signs associated to the numbers and variables. You have to Watch the 'equal' sign separating the expressions. Preferably it makes sense to have all the numbers on the right hand side of the 'equality' sign while the numbers containing the unknown variables or letters tidied up on the left hand side. Now carefully ensure that signs swapped as the numbers and variables swapped sides. For example if a negative variable is swapping side to the other side of the 'equality sign', it would become a positive variable instantly.

This approach is simply the fundaMental for understanding algebraic concepts and manipulation. I would rather suggest that you spend the time mastering this art of algebraic moves in order to be competent dealing with any future algebraic problems.

Simplifying algebraic expressions

This is one of the easy problems in algebra. Here attention is needed to collect same variables together. In mathematics collecting variables of the same kind is known as 'like terms'

It is crucial to look at the variables carefully for example quadratic variables are not the same as linear variables. In order words they are not like terms. Once you have identified the like terms, the next sTAGe is to check if the expression can be simplified any further.

There are cases where you have to factorise the expressions before simplifying. In such situation, try not to mix things up. Keep is tidy at all times. Let the beauty of mathematics stands out.

Re-arranging and manipulating algebraic expressions

This is the sTAGe to display your understanding of algebraic concepts. With your knowledge of signs checking and variable swapping, you will begin to enjoy the work of your hand. You will begin to make different variables subjects of formulae. At this sTAGe your competent in mathematics will begin to show.

You have got to open your mind and believe that you can truly do mathematics before you can go the extra mile in the subject. Patience is crucial in understanding mathematics. Don't settle for a quick fix. Trial and improveMent is the best approach. Don't quit just because you found it difficult first time. Mathematics is for the patient, wise and knowledgeable.

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Friday, September 28, 2012

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

You can't afford to have writer's block since you only have 25 minutes to write your SAT Essay. So to help my students put pen to paper Faster I created these 8 techniques for creating a compelling introduction quickly. Try them and they'll help you too.

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

SAT Essay -  8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

1. Understand the prompt first

The number one thing you must do to write a great introduction is to make sure you know what you are writing about first. The biggest mistake I've seen in scoring SAT Essays is that many students misread the prompt. To avoid this I have my students underline or circle important words and phrases to make sure they have truly digested the prompt. I suggest you do the same.

2. Use an analogy or metaphor

Analogies require creativity. A trait that SAT Essay graders love to reward. For an essay in which the prompt was "Is it true that to make progress people must make sacrifices?" A student created the following analogy,

"To climb a mountain a person must struggle and strain. And this is the case with any worthwhile goal..."

3. Tell a brief anecdote

You can create an engaging introduction by telling a brief (1-2 sentence anecdote) such as the following.

When I trained for my first marathon it was difficult and often painful. But I wanted to have the accomplishMent of running 26.2 miles so I did it anyway. To make progress in life requires sacrifice.

4. Use a quote that was not used in the prompt

It is useful to memorize quotes that you love. You never know when they can come in handy on the test. For example for the essay topic "Do mistakes lead to growth?" one of my students wrote

Someone once asked Edison, "how can you feel good about your work, having failed nine-hundred and ninety-nine times to make a light bulb?" To this Edison replied, "I have not failed so many times, I have merely learned nine-hundred and ninety-nine ways not to make a light bulb. Why did Edison react this way? Because he knew that mistakes are always experiences that lead to learning and growth."

This was a great quote to begin his essay with and would definitely impress SAT Essay graders.

5. Mention a topic in the news

SAT Essay Experts will often say to stay away from news in the body of your essay. And they are right. However, in the introduction it can be very useful IF you have the facts straight AND it's even better if it is a news story that isn't well covered. If you use this idea make sure it clearly fits the topic.

6. Make up an anecdote using very specific details

I don't recomMend this as you don't need a creative introduction badly enough to take the trouble to make one up. I had a student insist on trying this and his were so bad at first anyone could guess they were fictional. Finally, however he started to put details that were so specific that I couldn't tell if it was real or not. So you can fool graders if you want to but I don't recommend it.

7. Use a cliche in an inventive way

Most books and articles on writing say to stay away from cliches however, it's a secret of professional writers that if you change a cliche it captures people's attention.

One student used the following cliche to make a great introduction for the topic "Which is a better indicator of a person's true character, their actions or their words?"

"A picture tells a thousand words" is a saying that applies to the newspaper industry but which also applies to people. The picture created by a person's actions tells us a thousand words about him or her and goes much farther than words do in telling us about a person's true thoughts and feelings. Several examples from literature and history demonstrate this point.

Using the cliche "A picture tells a thousand words" to make the point that actions speak louder than words is very unique and very powerful.

8. When all else fails just do a quick summary of what you will cover in your essay

Make sure you clearly state your thesis and state which categories of information your examples are from

For example, "Examples from history, literature and science will prove that people care far too much about what others think of them."

Most of all remember, you do not need to write an impressive introduction so badly that you sacrifice the rest of your essay. In fact I taught my students to write great body paragraphs first as these are just as important. Then when they could write them quickly I taught them how to write great introductions and powerful conclusions.

SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

So you've got young boys who love Pokemon and their birthday is Fast approaching? Never fear, help is here. Both of my young sons love Pokemon, they are ages 6 and 9. What is Pokemon you say? Pokemon means "Pocket Monster" in Japanese. The crazy characters evolve into different characters and they use pokemon moves to "fight" each other causing "damage". This craze has originated in Japan, but is highly popular here in the US. The Pokemon characters all have an HP number, how much the Pokemon is worth and the higher HP cards are highly coveted young boys. Anyway, back to your Party issue. I just threw a great Pokemon Party for my son's 9th birthday. He loved it and his friends had a blast. Below are some great ideas for you and they are EASY and INEXPENSIVE to do. I sat down one night and came up with some games that I could easily make the Supplies for and they would be fun to play. Below is a summary list of the games we came up with and read on to get the details of each one. Keep in mind, these are EASY, FUN and INEXPENSIVE and I will tell you exactly how I did it and what you need:

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

o Pass the Pokeball
o Pin the Tail on Pikachu
o Pokemon Balloon Dart Throw
o Pokemon Master Tracking
o Gliscor Bean Bag Score

1. Pass the Pokeball If you are remotely familiar with Pokemon, you will know about pokeballs. To play this game, I went to a craft store and purchased a LARGE Styrofoam ball, they seem to range in price from to . I also bought some red washable craft paint while I was at the craft store. Paint half the ball with the red craft paint, let it dry, then use black electrical tape to tape around the circumference of the ball right where the white Styrofoam joins up with the red paint. This made the PERFECT pokeball. Quick and easy and inexpensive. Then we had a small keyboard (cheap one) that could be automatically set to play music. If you don't have a keyboard, use anything that can make music, cd player, musical instruMent, drum set, guitar, anything that plays music and can be stopped and started. Have all the boys sit in a circle and they have to hand the pokeball to each other in a circular fashion. They cannot throw the ball. I would then start the music on the keyboard and close my eyes and stop it after 20 to 30 seconds. I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't know who was going to be holding the ball when the music stopped. Whoever is holding the ball when the music stops is out, then play again until there is only 1 player left. Give the player who is left a Party prize.

Supplies recap:
i. Large Styrofoam ball
ii. Red craft paint
iii. Electrical tape

2. Pin the Tail on Pikachu - Pikachu is one of the main pokemon characters and if your kids like Pokemon they like Pikachu. For this game, I found a good picture of Pikachu. I used a picture out of the Pokemon Handbook that we have, but if you don't have one of those, use a pokemon card of Pikachu, or print a picture of Pikachu at pokemon.com. I bought a package of 10 white posterboards at a discount store. Look at the picture and draw a large picture of Pikachu to cover most of the posterboard (1 sheet). Don't draw his tail. Use a separate posterboard to draw enough Pikachu tails (shaped like a lightning bolt) for each Party guest to have one. After I drew the Pikachu and then drew the tails, I had my kids color the Pikachu and tails, they loved helping. Cut out the Pikachu tails. I had an old cork board that I was able to mount this Pin the Tail on the Pikachu game onto so it had a sturdy back and could be hung up outside. Put the name of each party guest on one of the tails and right before they play, add a single strip of double sided tape. When you are ready to play this, use a bandana to cover the eyes of your party guests, spin them around in a circle twice and direct them towards the Pikachu. Don't allow them to feel their way around, wherever they touch the Pikachu they must put the tail on there, otherwise the kids who go last will be able to tell where to put the tails by feeling where the other kids tails are pinned. Give a prize to the party guest who gets Pikachu's tail closest to the right spot.

Supplies recap:

i. Picture of Pikachu
ii. Large white posterboard for drawing picture of Pikachu
iii. Large white posterboard for drawing multiple Pikachu tails only
iv. Double sided tape
v. Bandana

3. Pokemon Balloon Dart Throw - Kids love to pop balloons and throw darts, so put these two things together in a fun and easy activity. The night before the party I bought 50 balloons at a party store. Each Pokemon character has an HP value, or a points value. For example, Pikachu might be 60 HP, Shadowlugia 300 HP, etc... You can find the names of many Pokemon characters in a Pokemon handbook or you can find them online at Pokemon.com. Take some plain white paper and cut it into strips that are about 1 inch high by 3 inches long. Write the name of a different Pokemon and their HP Number on the strips. We had 6 boys at the party and I blew up 45 balloons. For example, you might write Ryperior 90 HP on a slip. Make each slip of paper with a different character and add the HP number (use multiples of 10 only for the HP values). We used each character name only once but reused the HP 50, HP60, HP70, HP80, HP90, etc... However we only had 1 character (Shadowlugia) that had the highest HP of HP300, no other card had the HP300 on it. Fold the slips of paper small and poke it inside the balloon prior to blowing up the balloon. I then used an Air compressor to blow up the balloons quickly and tie them in a knot. You will see the little slips of paper inside. I stored the balloons overnight in large trash bags and they stayed Aired up fine. I purchased a set of 6 darts at a sports store to use for this game. If you have a large cork board, attach the balloons with push pins to the cork board. Have the party guests stand back about 8 feet and throw 2 darts a piece and try to pop the balloons (like a traditional carnival game). If they pop a balloon have them gather up and keep the slip of paper with the Pokemon character on it and the HP number (see the next Pokemon Master tracking as to what to do with the slips of paper and keeping track of the HP numbers). They loved to pop these balloons and they loved finding the slips of paper to find out which Pokemon character they had and what was the HP number. We played several rounds of this game!

Supplies recap:

i. Bunch of balloons (have at least 40 or more)
ii. Plain white paper
iii. Names of Pokemon characters and made up HP numbers (I did not take the time to look up each characters real HP number, that is too much work, just put down any HP number you want, but only have one character with the highest HP
iv. Package of 6 darts (about .50)

4. Pokemon Master tracking - There is no doubt your kids are familiar with Ash Ketchum if they like Pokemon, he is a Pokemon master. In order to make it fun and to get the boys to want to get the slips of paper I put inside the balloons, I created a Pokemon Master chart to track each party guests characters and HP values. I used a large white posterboard and wrote Pokemon Masters at the top and used some Pokemon stickers to decorate with. You can buy Pokemon stickers, or use sticker paper in your printer and just print some Pokemon cards or Pokemon characters from the internet. I then divided (using a black market) the posterboard into how many party guests I have a made a large square for each of them. As the boys gathered the Pokemon character slips from popping the balloons, I had another adult log in their Pokemon characters and their associated HP Values onto the Pokemon Master chart. I just had it taped to my back door and the boys loved coming over to see what their Pokemon scores were. I gave a prizes for the highest HP sum in each round of darts. One child may pop a balloon with the Pokemon character slip of paper that said MeTAGross 90 HP and his second pop may have been Snover 60 HP, we recorded these both onto his square on the Pokemon Master tracking posterboard and his total HP for the round was 150 HP. If he had the highest score that round, he got a prize. I let the boys throw 2 darts a piece for each turn. I also gave a prize for the lowest HP score, so no one felt left out. Have an adult record the names and HP numbers to keep it moving. At the end of all the balloon popping I gave a prize to party guest who found the Shadowlugia 300 HP slip of paper, as it was our highest HP value "card".

Supplies recap:

i. Large white poster board
ii. Sharpie Marker
iii. Pokemon stickers to decorate the tracking poster with

5. Gliscor Bean Bag Score - If you have any type of existing bean bag toss game at your home, commandeer it for this game. We had a bean bag toss game that had 6 small bean bags. If you don't have one, you can make bean bags easily out of old socks and uncooked beans, just tie the socks in a knot after putting in the uncooked beans, PERFECT!. I used another white poster board to draw a Pokemon character on. We chose Glico for his shape as it would be good to toss the bean bags into his belly! I used the Gliscor Pokemon card to look at to draw the character on a large white poster board, then we colored with crayons based on how the character looks on the card. Then I lined up the existing bean bag game hole and cut a similar hole in the character's belly and taped the two together. If you don't have a bean bag game you can attach your poster board to, you can cut a hole in an old piece of plywood, or tape your posterboard Pokemon character with the hole in it to a laundry basket, anything that will basically catch the bean bags. You want the bean bag catch place to be tilted up slightly at the top, so the game is doable for the boys. Have the boys throw the bean bags from about 12-15 feet back and try to get a Gliscor score!!! Any Pokemon character will work for this game, just cut a hole about 6 inches wide in the posterboard wherever you are wanting the bean bags to go through. They played this a lot and several of them scored by getting a bean bag in the hole of Gliscor's tummy! I gave prizes to the ones who scored in the hole, if no one got it in the hole, I gave a prize each round for the party guest with the bean bag closest to the hole. You can knock off the bean bags of other players! They loved this competition.

Supplies recap:

i. Existing Bean Bag toss game if you have one
ii. If not, plywood with hole, or laundry basket and something to hold the board or basket on an angle with the top tilted up off the ground a bit to make the game doable for the boys
iii. White poster board
iv. Picture of desired Pokemon character
v. Crayons/markets
vi. Bean bags (existing or home made)

The boys at this party were between the ages of 6 and 9 and they absolutely loved playing these game. We also ordered a Pokemon cake from a local supermarket bakery and it looked awesome. I had also ordered Pokemon birthday theme plates, cups and napkins and a tableCloth. It was all very easy and looked great.

For prizes, I went to several of the Dollar stores and discount stores and bought cheap glow sticks, light up pens, blow up baseballs and footballs, crazy bounce balls, sound makers that make poot sounds (they loved those!), glow in the dark aliens, stretchy snakes, packages of gummy worms. I decided which prizes to give and I put a sign on the prize bowl that said "Momma's prize bowl, hands off please!" That way they couldn't pick through the goodies that were prizes, they did trade a few prizes between each other. I recomMend looking for fun cheap items that are about .00 or less, stay away from the truly junky toys that break immediately or no one in their right mind would want, that will just waste your money.

For goody bags, I added candy like individual starburst, small M&M's packages, and gummies. I also found small silver alien stuffed toys (.00 a piece) and I had ordered Pokemon Wrist sweat bands from an online party Supply, these were very cool! Last but not least, I bought two 10 card each packs of Pokemon cards and divided those up so each goody bag got 3 Pokemon cards in it as well. I divided them up so not all the higher HP cards were in a single goody bag, spread around the fun! They loved these cards in their goody bags and it was an absolute blast of a party. Don't let this sound hard, I did all of this listed above plus I blew up 100 water balloons for use in the water balloon launcher just by doing a little bit in the evenings starting about 1 week before the party. You can do this too and give your son the best Pokemon party ever! I hope these ideas are useful to you, they really are EASY to do, low cost and fun, your party goers will love it!

Pokemon Birthday Party Games

Friday, August 24, 2012

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

So you want to know how to beat the SAT Essay.

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

I understand how you feel - in fact, I was a little nervous about writing my first SAT Essay (and I was teaching a class on how to do it).  So I fully understand what you're going through.

But, I have a secret for you...and it is this:

I discovered how to write a perfect SAT Essay and so can you.

And get this - over 90% of students who write the essay on the SAT do so without knowing the factors that graders unconsciously use to score their essays!

This means when you learn these secrets, you'll be ahead of over 90% of the students taking the exam.

So this is good news for you and I - especially since we want to know how to get you a high score on the essay.

I want you to think about this - if you turn in an assignMent that's not up to your teacher's expectations, you get a low grade, am I correct?

Typically, students who don't do well, never learn specific tactics that will allow them to impress their teachers.  I understand how this can happen.  No one ever told you that such strategies existed!

But not knowing specific tactics and strategies to beat the SAT Essay BEFORE you begin preparing for this test just doesn't' work.

So instead, let's use this powerful SAT Essay Secret.

What is this secret? It is this...

The Prompt Dissection Technique

All the prompt dissection technique is, is a way to break down the SAT Essay prompt into basic eleMents. This makes it extremely easy to write an organized, on-topic essay that will impress graders every time.

1.  Skip the quote and read the SAT Essay question first which is just underneath the quote (you can read the quote next or just skip it all together).

2.  Circle the most important words in the prompt.

3.  Discover what the yes/no question you are being asked to respond to is.

4.  Generate examples that would work for BOTH sides of the thesis.

Tip number four may sound like the opposite of what you should do but it actually makes the SAT Essay much easier to write than trying to only generate examples for one side of the argument.

5.  Choose the thesis that's easiest to support INSTEAD of a thesis that you agree with.  This way you will always be able to write a complete well-supported essay.

Warning: Students that neglect tip five above accidentally end up writing an essay on a thesis that's impossible for them to prove.  This has caused some students to get very low scores.  So take this advice seriously if you want to get a perfect score on the SAT Essay.

Want to Score High on the SAT Essay? 1 Shocking Secret That Will Boost Your Score

Monday, August 6, 2012

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

One the season has gotten underway, it's time to start getting down to the creative things: Cheers, Stunts, and Formations. Have you ever sat down and tried to write a cheer? It isn't always an easy task.

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

STEP ONE: Pick the type of cheer.

The first thing you have to do is decide whether you want a short chant or a longer floor cheer. If you decide you want a floor cheer, you have to choose on one with or without a stunt.
For chants during time outs, it is best to stick to short phrases and repeat them at least three times through. It can be anything from chanting "Go, Fight, Win" during a time out, to a longer cheer with a couple lines. Regardless, you need to repeat the lines in order to get the crowd involved.

Floor cheers take a little more effort. Once you decide whether or not you are going to make a cheer with a stunt, you can pick the ending. With a stunt: the most common ending is a repeated phrase. Without a stunt: The repeated phrase at the end is not necessary.

STEP TWO: Start writing.

Whether you use a stunt or not, the first thing you do is start listing words that rhyme.


Now try to make phrases with the words you have.

Hey Hornets, Watch out! The Rockets are BACK!
We're here to win with the skills that you LACK!
You think you've seen it all BEFORE,
Think again, we'll show you MORE!
So step back and Watch the team of the YEAR.
Roanoke Benson, the team to FEAR.*HINT*

One of the biggest things to remember when writing cheers is you don't have to write in complete sentences! Sometimes, it's a lot easier to just use short phrases in which the words are easy to punch.

STEP THREE: Try it out.

In order to make sure it sounds good, you have to say the cheer aloud. You may feel Silly, but it will only help you in the end. If you're too embarrassed to say the words out loud, what makes you think the girls will want to?

(If you chose a cheer without a Stunt, skip to STEP FIVE)

STEP FOUR: Choose a stunt.

Once you make a cheer, the next step is to decide the stunt, if there is one. This step depends on the preferences and skill level of you squad. My girls usually stick to preps and fulls. These solid stunts can be manipulated into looking different. One of our more unusual stunts is our "helicopter." It's also called a "flat back." This is where four girls, a back base, two side bases, and a front base, hold the flier above their heads while she is laying flat on her back, hence the name flat backs.

Options for stunts include doing them in the beginning or middle, at the end, or through the whole cheer. With our helicopter cheer, we used it at the beginning. This is a great way to change things up a little. The crowd loves it! It catches their attention and keeps them interested through the rest of the cheer. One of the drawbacks to this option is if the girls are using their energy at the beginning of the cheer, their voices won't be as loud in the end.

Another option is doing a stunt in the middle. This is not very common at games, but is a great idea for competition. This requires a lot of endurance to look and sound good since it's usually a longer cheer. If you can pull it off-great! Just remember, since it is a longer cheer, make sure the girls are ready to get on the floor as soon as the buzzer goes off. A stunt at the end of the cheer is the most common option. Everyone does it. Since it is so common, it's good because the crowd expects it and knows when to get involved. It's easiest because the girls can do their moveMents at first, then use the adrenaline rush at the end to push up the stunts. This is always the safe way to go. The last option is stunting through the whole cheer. This requires a TON of work! Start the girls in a close formation. Then, you can start the stunt on set or 1, 2, 3, 4. This really keeps the crowd's attention, as long as they can hear the words! Again, a lot of practice!*HINT*

Regardless of when you decide to stunt during a cheer, there are a few things to remember. Make sure you practice the stunts for a couple weeks before you perform. NEVER go onto the floor with a stunt unless you are 100% sure it will stick. It's better to have watered down stunts, than a great stunt that doesn't stick. With this newfound attention from the crowd, the last thing you want is for them to see one of your cheerleaders fall.

STEP FIVE: Set up a formation.


Formations can be a complex idea, or they can be simple. When you're a cheerleader, the same formations get boring and you really want to change things around. It seems like a good idea as the ones on the floor, but it isn't always necessary. The crowd doesn't notice the small changes, and the formations that seem so exciting and new to the cheerleaders, look a mess from the stands.
One of the most important things to remember with formations is to set them up according to the stunt you're doing. It's nice to switch positions around give other girls the chance to be in the front of the formation, but it isn't always the most effective thing to do. You want to try to keep the back bases toward the back and the front bases toward the front. Stick the fliers in the middle and the side bases on either side of them. This will help with transitioning from the formation to the stunt or from the stunt to the formation.\

Another thing to remember is when the girls are transitioning from each spot, running into each other does not make the squad look good. Make sure they've practiced going from spot to spot and they know the best direct route without falling all over each other. When they are going to each place, if they aren't clapping with the words, make sure their arms are straight down to their sides.
Formations can be any kind of design you choose. You can do straight lines, sTAGgered lines, a diamond, a circle, a triangle, or anything you can think of. They can also be spread across the enTire floor, just on the half your fans are on, or in a tight formation anywhere on the floor. When trying to plan formations, I mark the spots with Xs and write their names underneath. Here are a couple of options for a twelve-member squad.

B-Back Base
S-Side Base
F-Front Base



It cannot be said enough. MAKE SURE YOU PRACTICE! No matter how excited the girls are to show off a new cheer, as a coach it is your responsibility to make sure they are ready to perform. If you have any doubt at all about their ability to pull off a stunt, DO NOT let them do it!

Help With Cheers, Stunts, and Formations

Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

Getting into the Air Force Academy requires a commitMent, and a difficult admission process. Your chances of getting into the Academy aren' t good-fewer than one candidate in 50 gets admitted. What follows are the stumbling blocks that stop most candidate applications from succeeding, and how to adDress them.

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

We are assuming that you're reading this as a high school junior. If you're starting this process in your senior year, you're starting late, and may have to transfer into the Academy from another four year college.

The first stumbling block is fitness. Each year, the Air Force Academy requires all cadets to do at times 1.5 mile run, and the generalized Ph Meter run allin 15 minutes. In particular, this test has to be done in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which is at high altitude. Unless you're doing athletics in high school, the odds that you'll pass this test for the first time are pretty slim.

Related to this, the Academy looks for candidates who participate in team sports, and in athletics in general. This shows that a student is willing to work, work hard, and work within a team to achieve group goals, and to use controlled aggression to their own aims. Basketball, football, track, trap shooting and fencing are sports the Air Force grades high in candidate application processes.

Like any college admission program, academic performance is important. It's more than just having a straight A average. The difficulty of the classes you takematters as well. The Air Force puts more weight on the difficulty of the course load (taking calculus rather than math refresher, for instance) than it does on perfect GPA requireMents. If you're weak academically, the time to find out about it is at the beginning of your junior year in high school, where you should focus on study habit improveMent and boosting your GPA. GPA in the last two years of high school will count for more than your early GPA.

The Air Force puts lower weighting on standardized test scores. While most four-year colleges use standardized test scores to differentiate between students with near identical academic records, the Air Force treats them somewhat as a pass-fail test. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, while not asubstitute for the SAT or ACT, is a good adjunct. Be sure to take it as well as the other tests.

The biggest Filter for candidates trying to get into the Air Force Academy is character. Character can be difficult to determine objectively, so the Academy requires candidates to get letters of recomMendation from their community leaders, teachers, and employers, and the coordinators of any volunteer organizations they belong to. Focus on getting the best positive letters of recommendation you can get. When you write your admission essay, focus on events that showcase places where you exerted leadership, or showed strength of character. This is the place to shine if you're worried about your academic performance.

How to Get into The Air Force Academy

Sunday, July 1, 2012

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

What Is A High School Resume?

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

Resumes are mainly used to apply for Jobs but that is not what a high school version is used for. This kind of docuMent, increasingly a key part of your college application package, helps the admissions officers at colleges and universities understand you and what you have to offer in addition to your good grades and SAT scores. Learn the difference between writing a resume for college and writing one to apply for a Job. Once you master the special kind of resume, you will have a better chance of getting an admissions offer from the college or university of your choice.

Why Does A High School Resume For College Admissions Matter?

Universities and colleges ask for high school resumes for various reasons. Forprograms with an artistic emphasis like acting, dancing or creative writing, resume can show what you achieved by creatively outside of the classroom. Other colleges ask for a secondary school resume because they want to encourage a thriving student body with a variety of interests, skills and hobbies. Even though a resume follows a certain form, it does let applicants tell admissions officers about themselves and helps them before more than a combination of GPA and SAT numbers.

What Should You Include In Your High School Resume

Before you write high school CV and send it off to the college of your dreams, check to see each college's requireMents first. Some programs will limit you to one page while others want you to comMent on specific abilities such as leadership andcommunity service. Failing to look up and follow the instructions of college admissions staff will undermine your chances of admission. If the college or university provides no guidance or assistance, here are some general ideas on what to include and what not to include.

High School Resume Do's

1. DO Mention community service particularly if you played a major role (e.g. led an Amnesty International club).
2. DO list any languages you know (e.g. Spanish, Chinese, German) especially if your transcript does not show your knowledge of these languages.
3. DO discuss your involvement in high school activities like band or the yearbook club.
4. DO proofread your resume and ask a friend to look it over before you submit it.
5. DO limit yourself to a maximum of twopages.

High School Resume don't

1. don't list every single part-time and contract Jobs you have ever held.
2. don't make up facts or write anything dishonest on your secondary school resume.
3. don't write long paragraphs; resumes should use bullet points.
4. don't include a list of all the classes you have ever taken; other parts of your college application should cover that.

These DO's and don't of writing a resume for college admissions will help get you started. If you need further help and examples, ask your guidance counselor, teacher or somebody you know in college.

High School Resume For College: An Essential Part of Any College Application

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

I've always been intrigued by the subject of intelligence. As a child my mother would refer to me as "smart," but I quickly noticed that all parents refer to their children as smart. In time I would discover that all children are not smart, just as all babies are not cute. If that were the case, we'd have a world full of beautiful, smart people-which we don't.

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

Some of us are smart; but not as smart as we think, and others are smarter than they seem, which makes me wonder, how do we define smart? What makes one person smarter than another? When do "street smarts" matter more than "book smarts"? Can you be both smart and stupid? Smart Is being more of a direct influence of genetics, or one's environMent?

Then there are the issues of education, intelligence andwisdom.

What does it mean to be highly educated? What's the difference between being highly educated and highly intelligent? Does being highly educated automatically make you highly intelligent? Can one be highly intelligent without being highly educated? Do IQs really mean anything? What makes a person wise? Why is wisdom typically associated with old age?

My desire to seek answers to these questions inspired many hours of intense research which included the reading of 6 books, hundreds of research docuMents, and countless hours on the Internet; which pales in comparison to the lifetime of studies and research that pioneers in the fields of intelligence and education like Howard Gardner, Richard Sternberg, Linda s. Gottfredson, Thomas Sowell, Alfie Kohn, and Diane f. Halpernwhose work is cited in this article.

My goal was simple: Amass, synthesize, and present data on what it means to be smart, educated and intelligent so that it can be understood and used by anyone for their benefit.


With this in mind, there was not a better (or more appropriate) place to start than at the very beginning of our existence: as a fetus in the womb.

There is mounting evidence that the consumption of Food that's high in iron both before and during pregNancy is critical to building the prenatal brain. Researchers have found a strong association between low iron levels during pregNancy and diminished IQ. Foods rich in iron include lima beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, seaFoods, nuts, dried fruits, oatmeal,and fortified cereals.

Children with low iron status in the uterus (in the uterus) scored lower on every test and had significantly lower language ability, fine-motor skills, and tractability than children with higher prenatal iron levels. In essence, proper prenatal care is critical to the developMent of cognitive skills.


Cognitive skills are the basic mental abilities we use to think, study, and learn. They include a wide variety of mental processes used to analyze sounds and images, recall information from memory, make associations between different pieces of information, and maintain concentration on particular tasks. They can be individually identified and measured. Cognitive skill strength and efficiency correlates directly with students ' ease oflearning.


Drinking while pregnant is not smart. In fact, it's downright stupid.

A study in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research has found that even light to moderate drinking – especially during the second trimester is associated with lower IQs in the offspring at 10 years of age. This result was especially pronounced among African-American rather than Caucasian offspring.

"IQ is a measure of the child's ability to learn and to survive in his or her environment. It predicts the potential for success in school and in everyday life. Although a small but significant percenTAGe of children are diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) each year, many more children are exposed to alcohol duringpregnancy who do not meet criteria for FAS yet experience deficits in growth and cognitive function, "said Jennifer a. Willford, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Paul d. Connor, clinical director of the Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit and assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington has this to say about the subject:

"There are a number of domains of cognitive functioning that can be impAired even in the face of a relatively normal IQ, including academic achievement (especially arithmetic), adaptive functioning, and executive functions (the ability to problem solve and learn from experiences). Deficits in intellectual, achievement, adaptive, and executive functioningcould make it difficult to appropriately manage finances, function independently without assistance, and understand the consequences of-or react appropriately to mistakes. "

This is a key finding which speaks directly to the (psychological) definition of intelligence which is adDressed later in this article.


Studies have shown that the frequent exposure of the human fetus to ultrasound waves is associated with a decrease in body weight newborn, an increase in the frequency of left-handedness, and delayed speech.

Because ultrasound energy is a high-frequency mechanical vibration, researchers hypothesized that it might influence the migration of neurons in a developing fetus. Neurons in mammals multiply early in fetal development and thenmigrate to their final destinations. Any interference or disruption in the process could result in abnormal brain function.

Commercial companies (which do ultrasounds for "keepsake" purposes) are now creating more powerful ultrasound machines capable of providing 3D and 4 d images popular. The procedure, however, lasts longer as they try to make 30-minute videos of the fetus in the uterus.

The main stream magazine New Scientist reported the following: Ultrasound scans can stop cells from dividing and make them commit suicide. Routine scans, which have let doctors peek at internal organs and fetuses for the past 40 years, affect the normal cell cycle.

On the FDA website this information is posted about ultrasounds:

While ultrasound has been around for many years,expectant women and their families need to know that the long-term effects of repeated ultrasound exposures on the fetus are not fully known. In light of all that remains unknown, having a prenatal ultrasound for non-medical reasons is not a good idea.


Now that you are aware of some of the known factors which determine, improve, and impact the intellectual development of a fetus, it's time for conception. Once that baby is born, which will be more crucial in the development of its intellect: nature (genetics) or nurture (environment)?

Apparently for centuries, scientists and psychologists have gone back and forth on this. I read many comprehensive studies and reports on this subject during the research phaseof this article, and I believe that it's time to put this debate to rest. Both nature and nurture are equally as important and must be fully observed in the intellectual development of all children. This shouldn't be an either/or proposition.

A recent study shows that early intervention in the home and in the classroom can make a big difference for a child born into extreme poverty, according to Eric Turkheimer, a psychologist at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The study concludes that while genetic makeup explains most of the differences in IQ for children in wealthier families, environment-and not genes-makes a bigger difference for minority children in low-income homes.

Specifically, what researchers call "heritability"-the degree to which genesinfluence was significantly lower IQ-for poor families. "Once you're put into an adequate environment, your genes start to take over," Mr. Turkheimer said, "but in poor environments genes don't have that ability."

But there are reports that contradict these findings ... sort of.

Linda s. Gottfredson, a professor of educational studies at the University of Delaware, wrote in her article, The General Intelligence Factor that environments shared by siblings have little to do with IQ. Many people still mistakenly believe that social, psychological and economic differences among families create lasting and marked differences in IQ.

She found that behavioral geneticists refer to environmental effects such as "shared" because they are common to siblings who grow up together.Her reports states that the heritability of IQ rises with age; that is to say, the extent to which genetics accounts for differences in IQ among individuals increases as people get older.

In her article she also refers to studies comparing identical and fraternal twins, published in the past decade by a group led by Thomas j. Bouchard, Jr., of the University of Minnesota and other scholars, show that about 40 percent of IQ differences among preschoolers stems from genetic differences, but that heritability rises to 60 percent by adolescence and to 80 percent by late adulthood.

And this is perhaps the most interesting bit of information, and relevant to this section of my article:

With age, differences among individuals in their developed intelligence as to mirror moreclosely their genetic differences. It appears that the effects of environment on intelligence fade rather than grow with time.

Bouchard concludes that young children have the circumstances of their lives imposed on them by parents, schools and other agents of society, but as people get older they become more independent and tend to seek out the life niches that are most congenial to their genetic proclivities.


Researchers from Christchurch School of Medicine in New Zealand studied over 1.000 children born between April and August 1977. During the period from birth to one year, they gathered information on how these children were fed.

The Infants were then followed to age 18. Over the years, the researchers collected torange of cognitive and academic information on the children, including IQ, teacher ratings of school performance in reading and math, and results of standardized tests of reading comprehension, mathematics, and scholastic ability. The researchers also looked at the number of passing grades achieved in national School Certificate examinations taken at the end of the third year of high school.

The results indicated that the longer children had been breast fed, the higher they scored on such tests.


Thomas Sowell, author of Race, IQ, Black Crime, Liberals Ignore facts and uncovered some fascinating information that every parent should take note of. He writes:

There is a strong case that black Americans suffer from aseries of disadvanTAGeous environments. Studies show time and again that before they go to school, black children are exposed to on average a smaller vocabulary than white children, in part due to socioeconomic factors.

While children from professional households typically exposed to a total of 2.150 different words each day, children from working class households are exposed to 1.250, and children from households on welfare to mere 620.

Yes, smart sounding children tend to come from educated, professional, two-parent environments where they pick up valuable language skills and vocabulary from its smart sounding inhabitants.

Mr. Sowell continues: Black children are obviously not to blame for their poor socioeconomic status, but something beyond economic status is at workin black homes. Black people have not signed up for the "great mission" of the white middle class-the constant quest to stimulate intellectual growth and get their child into Harvard or Oxbridge.

Elsie Moore of Arizona State University, Phoenix, studied black children adopted by either black or white parents, all of whom were middle-class professionals. By the age of 7.5 years, those in black homes were 13 IQ points behind those being raised in the white homes.


At this juncture in my research it dawned on me, and should be fAirly obvious to you, that many children are predisposed to being smart, educated, and intelligent, simply by their exposure to the influential factors which determine them long before they start school.

Aninformed proper prenatal care, mother, educated, communicative parents, and a nurturing environment in which to live, all add up to accumulated advantages that made intellectual abilities. As you can see, some children have unfAir advantages from the very beginning.

Malcolm Gladwell, author of top-selling book Outliers, wrote that "accumulated advantages" are made possible by arbitrary rules ... and such unfair advantages are everywhere. "It is those who are successful who are most likely to be given the kinds of social opportunities that lead to further success," he writes. "It's the rich who get the biggest tax breaks. It's the best students who get the best teaching and most attention. "

With that in mind, we turn our attention to education and intelligence.


Alfie Kohn, author of the book What Does It Mean To Be Well Educated? poses the question, does the phrase refer to a well educated quality of schooling you received, or something about you? Does it denote what you were taught? Or what you remember?

I contend that to be well educated is all in the application; the application and use of information. Information has to be used in order to become knowledge, and as we all have heard, knowledge is power.

Most people are aware of the floundering state of education in this country on some level. We tell our children that nothing is more important than getting a "good" education, and every year, due to government budget shortfalls, teachers are laid off, classes are condensed,schools are closed, and many educational programs-especially those which help the underprivileged-are cut.

The reality is, we don't really value education. We value it as a business, an industry, political ammunition, and as an accepted form of discrimination, but not for what it was intended: a means of enriching one's character and life through learning.

What we value as a society, are athletes and the entertainment they offer. The fact that a professional athlete makes more money in one season than most teachers in any region will make in their careers, is abominable. There's always money to build new sports stadiums, but not enough to give teachers a decent (and well deserved) raise.

Ironically, the best teachers don't go into the profession for money. Theyteach because it's a calling. Most of them were influenced by a really good teacher as a student. With the mass exodus of teachers, many students are not able to cultivate the mentoring relationships that they once were able to because so many are leaving the profession-voluntarily and involuntarily-within an average of three years.

At the high school level, where I got my start, the emphasis is not on how to educate the students to prepare them for life, or even college (all high schools should be college-prep schools, right?), it was about preparing them to excel on their standardized tests. Then the controversial "exit" exams were implemented and literally, many high schools were transformed into testing centers. Learning has almost become secondary.

Thismentality carries over into college, which of course there's a test one must take in order to enroll ( SAT or ACT). This explains why so many college students are more concerned with completing a course, than learning from it. They are focused on getting "A 's" and degrees, instead of becoming degreed thinkers. The latter of which are in greater demand by employers and comprise the bulk of the self-employed. The "get-the-good-grade" mindset is directly attributable to the relentless and often unnecessary testing that our students are subjected to in schools.

Alfie Kohn advocates the "exhibition" of learning in which students reveal their understanding by means of in-depth projects, portfolios of assignments, and other demonstrations.

He cites a modelTed Sizer and pioneered refractive by Deborah Meier. Meier has emphasized the importance of students having five "habits of mind," which are: the value of raising questions about evidence ("How do we know what we know?"), "point of view", ("Whose perspective does this represent?"), connections ("How is this related to that?"), supposition ("How might things have been otherwise?") and relevance ("Why is this important?").

Kohn writes: It's only the ability to raise and answer those questions that matters, though, but also the disposition to do so. For that matter, any set of intellectual objectives, any description of what it means to think deeply and critically, should be accompanied by a reference to one's interest or intrinsic motivation to do such thinking ... to be well-educated then, is tohave the desire as well as the means to make sure that learning never ends ...


We've always wanted to measure intelligence. Ironically, when you look at some the first methods used to evaluate it in the 1800s, they were not, well, very intelligent. Tactics such as subjecting people to various forms of torture to see what their threshold for pain was (the longer you could withstand wincing, the more intelligent you were believed to be), or testing your ability to detect a high pitch sound that others could not hear.

Things have changed ... or have they?

No discussion of intelligence or IQ can be complete without mention of Alfred Binet, a French psychologist who was responsible for laying the groundwork for IQ testing in 1904. Hisoriginal intention was to devise a test that would diagnose learning disabilities of students in France. The test results were then used to prepare special programs to help students overcome their educational difficulties.

It was never intended to be used as an absolute measure of one's intellectual capabilities.

According to Binet, intelligence could not be described as a single score. He said that the use of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as a defined statement of a child's intellectual capability would be a serious mistake. In addition, Binet IQ measurement feared that would be used to condemn a child to a permanent "condition" of stupidity, thereby negatively affecting his or her education and livelihood.

The original interest was in the assessment of' mental age '--the average level of intelligence for a person of a given age. His creation, the Binet-Simon test (originally called a "scale"), formed the archetype for future tests of intelligence.

H. h. Goddard, director of research at Vineland Training School in New Jersey, translated Binet's work into English and advocated a more general application of the Simon-Binet tests. Unlike Binet, intelligence to Goddard considered solitary, fixed and inborn entity that could be measured. With help of Lewis Terman of Stanford University, his final product, published in 1916 as the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Scale of Intelligence (also known as the Stanford-Binet), became the standard intelligence tests in the United States.

It's important to note that the fallacy about IQis that it is fixed and can not be changed. The fact is that IQ scores are known to such-both up and down during the course of one's lifetime. It does not mean that you become more or less intelligent, it merely means that you tested better on one day than another.

One more thing to know about IQ tests: They have been used for racist purposes since their importation into the U.S. Many of those who were involved in the importation and refinement of these believed that IQ tests was hereditary and are responsible for feeding the fallacy that it is a "fixed" trait.

Many immigrants were tested in the 1920s these IQ tests and failed miserably. As a result, many of them were denied entry into the U.S., or were forced to undergo sterilization for fear of populatingAmerica with "dumb" and "inferior" babies. If you recall, the tests were designed for white, middle class Americans. Who do you think would have the most difficulty passing them?

Lewis Terman developed the original notion of IQ and proposed this scale for classifying IQ scores:

000-070-feeble mindedness: Defined
070-079: Borderline deficiency
080-089: Dullness
090-109: Normal or average intelligence
110-119: Superior intelligence
115-124: Above average (e.g., university students)
125-134: Gifted (e.g., post-graduate students)
135-144: Highly gifted (e.g., intellectuals)
145-154: Genius (e.g., professors)
155-164: Genius (e.g., Nobel Prize winners)
165-179 High genius:
180-200 Highest genius:
200-higher?: Immeasurable genius

* Genius IQ is generally considered to begin around 140 to 145, representing only 25% of the population (1 in 400).
* Einstein was considered to "only" have an IQ of about 160.


Diane f. Halpern, a psychologist and past-president of the American Psychological Association (APA), wrote in her essay "Why Smart contribution to People Can Be So Stupid that in general, we recognize people as intelligent if they have some combination of these achievements (1) good grades in school; (2) a high level of education; (3) a responsible, complex Job; (4) some other recognition of being intelligent, such as winning prestigious awards or earning a large salary; (5) the ability to read complex text with> good comprehension; (6) solve difficult and novel problems.

Throughout my research and in the early phases of this article, I came across many definitions of the word intelligence. Some were long, some were short. Some I couldn't even understand. The definition that is most prevalent is the one created by the APA which is: the ability to adapt to one's environment, and learn from one's mistakes.

How about that? There's the word environment again. We just can't seem to escape it. This adds deeper meaning to the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." It means recognizing what's going on in your environment, and having the intelligence to adapt it-and the people who occupy it-in order to survive and succeed within it.

There are also many different forms ofintelligence. Most notably those created by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.

Dr. Gardner believes (and I agree) that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We esteem the highly articulate orlogical people of our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, dancers, designers, entrepreneurs, therapists, and others who enrich the world in which we live.

He felt that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing, was far too limited and created the Theories Of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 to account for a broader range of humanpotential in children and adults.

These intelligences are:

Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (' body smart ')
Musical intelligence ("smart music")
Interpersonal intelligence ("smart people")
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

Not associated with Dr. Gardner, but equally respected are:


According to About.com, Psychologist Raymond Cattell first proposed the concepts of fluid and crystallized intelligence and further developed the theory with John Horn. The Cattell-Horn's theory of fluid and crystallizedintelligence suggests that intelligence is composed of a number of different abilities that interact and work together to produce overall individual intelligence.

Cattell defined fluid intelligence as ".. .the ability to perceive relationships independent of previous specific practice or instruction concerning those relationships." Fluid intelligence is the ability to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is considered independent of learning, experience, and education. Examples of the use of fluid intelligence includes solving puzzles and coming up with problem solving strategies.

Crystallized intelligence is learning from past experiences and learning. Situations that require crystallized intelligence includes reading comprehension and vocabulary exams.This type of intelligence is based upon facts and rooted in experiences. This type of intelligence becomes stronger as we age and accumulated new knowledge and understanding.

Both types of intelligence increase throughout childhood and adolescence. Fluid intelligence peaks in adolescence and begins to decline progressively beginning around age 30 or 40. Crystallized intelligence continues to grow throughout adulthood.


Then there's Successful Intelligence, which is authored by intelligence psychologist and Yale professor, Robert j. Sternberg, who believes that the whole concept of IQ relating to life achievement is misguided, because he believes that IQ is a pretty miserable predictor of life achievement.

His Successful Intelligencetheory focuses on 3 types of intelligence which are combined to contribute to one's overall success: Analytical Intelligence; mental steps or components used to solve problems; Creative Intelligence: the use of experience in ways that foster insight (creativity/divergent thinking); and Practical Intelligence: the ability to read and adapt to the contexts of everyday life.

With regard to environment, Mr. Sternberg writes in his book '' Successful Intelligence: Successfully intelligent people realize that the environment in which they find themselves may or may not be able to make the most of their talents. They actively seek an environment where they can not only do successful work, but make a difference. They create opportunities rather than let opportunities be limited bycircumstances in which they happen to find themselves.

As an educator, I subscribe to Mr. Sternberg's Successful Intelligence approach to teaching. It has proven to be a highly effective tool and mindset for my college students. Using Successful Intelligence as the backbone of my context-driven curriculum really inspires students to see how education makes their life goals more at­tainable, and motivates them to further develop their expertise. Mr. Sternberg believes that the major factor in achieving expertise is purposeful engagement.


In his best-selling 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman reported that research shows that conventional measures of intelligence-IQ-only account for 20% of a person's success in life. Forexample, research on IQ and education shows that high IQ predicts 10 to 25% of grades in college. The percentage will vary depending on how we define success. Nonetheless, Goleman's assertion begs the question: What accounts for the other 80%?

You guessed it. ..Emotional Intelligence. What exactly is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence (also called EI or EQ) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Many corporations now have mandatory EQ training for their managers in an effort to improve employee
relations and increase productivity.


You've heard the phrase, "Experience is the greatest teacher."

In psychology circles knowledge gained from everyday experience is called tacitknowledge. The colloquial term is "street smarts," which implies that formal, classroom instruction (aka "book smarts") has nothing to do with it. The individual is not directly instructed as to what he or she should learn, but rather must extract the important lesson from the experience even when learning is not the primary objective.

Tacit knowledge is closely related to common sense, which is sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. As you know, common sense is not all that common.

Tacit knowledge, or the lessons obtained from it, seems to "stick" both Faster and better when the lessons have direct relevance to the individual's goals. Knowledge that is based on one's own practical experience will likely be more instrumental toachieving one's goals than will be knowledge that is based on someone else's experience, or that is overly generic and abstract.


Yes, it's possible to be both smart and stupid. I'm sure someone you know comes to mind at this precise moment. But the goal here is not to ridicule, but to understand how some seemingly highly intelligent, or highly educated individuals can be so smart in one way, and incredibly stupid in others.

The woman who is a respected, well paid, dynamic executive who consistently chooses men who don't appear to be worthy of her, or the man who appears to be a pillar of the community, with a loving wife and happy kids, ends up being arrested on rape charges.

It happens, but why? I found the answer to Why SmartPeople Can Be So Stupid. Essentially, intellect is domain specific. In other words, being smart (knowledgeable) in one area of your life, and stupid (ignorant) into another is natural. Turning off one's brain is quite common especially when it comes to what we desire. A shared characteristic among those who are smart and stupid, is the difficulty in delaying gratification.

Walter Mischel & Ayduk Olem who wrote the chapter summarized: "Sometimes stupid behavior in smart people may arise from faulty expectations, erroneous beliefs, or merely a lack of motivation to enact control strategies even when one has them. But sometimes it is an inability to regulate one's affective states and the behavioral tendencies associated with them that leads to stupid and self-defeatingbehavior.

The central character in this book who many of these lessons regarding being smart and stupid revolve around is Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica Lewinksky.


My great grandmother, Leola Cecil, maybe had an 8th grade education at the most. By no stretch of the imagination was she highly educated, but she had what seemed like endless wisdom. She was very observant and could "read" people with startling accuracy. Till the very end of her life she shared her "crystallized intelligence" with whomever was receptive to it.

She died at the age of 94. I often use many of her sayings as a public Speaker, but most importantly, I use her philosophies to make sure that I'm being guided spiritually and not just intellectually. Manyof us who are lucky enough to have a great grandparent can testify that there is something special about their knowledge. They seem to have life figured out, and a knack for helping those of us who are smart, educated and intelligent see things more clearly when we are too busy thinking.

What they have is what we should all aspire to end up with if we are lucky: wisdom.

The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

You've just got yourself a new rifle scope, fitted it and let me guess ... for some reason your shots are landing nowhere near the crosshAirs?

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

Sadly there's more to sharp shooting rifle scope than just plonking them the scope on the rifle and forever after shooting like an SAS sniper! You have to "zero" it.

Think about it. It's like a bike wheel. If you tighten the bolts wrong, too much on one side for example, it spins and rubs the wrong brake pads. It's the same with a Rifle scope. If it's not set up correctly it will be offline and even at short Air rifle, airsoft and paintball ranges this is going to throw your accuracy right off. At longer ranges you'll miss by a mile (well figuratively anyway!)

What Does "Zero a scope"mean?

Zeroing in sight or scope means getting the crosshair into position so that when you shoot. Ground zero if you like. The point of impact.There's a lot of discussion amongst shooters on the best way to zero a scope or sight. What I've written below is what I've been sending out to my ebay buyers scope for the last year or so and received a lot of good comMents back about it so I know it's OK!

How to Zero a Rifle Scope

First of all you need to set a firm foundation by fitting the scope mounts as well.

Put the scope mounts on the rifle first with the top brackets removed. Tighten them into place using 1/2 turns at the time so that they sit solid and level as best as is possible, i.e., the downward pressure is as equal as possible.At this sTAGe don't tighten them fully as you might want to slide them up and down a little. Now take scope and place it on top of the open rifle mounts. Make sure the windage and elevation turrets are one up and one to the right (these are the "turrets" on the sight. You use them later to make micro adjustMents and in the field adjustMents for wind) Then put the top mount brackets on and tighten-Again use partial turns to tighten up. Don't fully tighten at this sTAGe, you may yet need to adjust a little.
Zero the scope

Lie in your normal shooting position and check that you can see through the scope well ... The distance between your eye and the rear scope lens is called Eye Relief. Unlike cartoons you do not use a scope by pressing your eye upagainst the scope lens! Once complete the comfortable screwing down of all mounts so that your set up is solid-take care at this sTAGe to keep the final turns partial and one by one to ensure pressure is equal.
Now it's time to zero the scope for shooting:

Load the rifle Adopt your standard/lie down prone shooting position. Prone is the best way as if you test shoot from standing or kneeling positions you waver more and it's harder to do a "true test". Put some sort of target in place at say 20 yards-or whatever you think your "standard" range will be. Using cross hair on target centre-Take 2-3 shots-Where do they fall in relation to where you want them to? Right, left, up, down-dead on (luckyyou!)
2-3 shots is best as it will average out shooter inaccuracy and give you a more "significant" feel for how far or close you are from true zero.

Now it's time to use the windage and elevation turrets to get it zeroed dead on. These are the 2 turrets on the top and right side of the scope. See my website for pictures.

Models vary, you'll probably screw in cap off and expose either a coin or finger twist knurled chrome type of dial. The top turret adjusts up and down. The right one left and right.If you have your scopes instructions they should have a table with figures to tell you what each click adjustMent means in terms of cross hair movement at "x" distance, e.g., 1/8 inch at 100 metres.

Use single click turns and each time take a new shot togauge where the shot now falls-the dials basically adjust the cross hair position up-down and left-right.

It's trial and error basically but with stable you'll get to where you need to be and be able to trust that your shots will go where it says they will! This may take some time and a lot of shots. Be patient!

How To Zero A Rifle Scope

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below?

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Standardized testing: life success

weather: climate rain: Snow weather: happiness stormy weather:

Comprehending Comprehension-Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading

Monday, March 19, 2012

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

It is very common for people to take IQ tests nowadays as a way to assess their intelligence. However, some people may be doubtful whether IQ tests give an accurate representation of a person's level of intelligence. In order for us to determine whether standard IQ tests are accurate, we can start by learning about the background of IQ tests.

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

Background of IQ Tests

Sir Frances Galton was one of the first scientists to introduce the Intelligence Quotient Test. This British scientist conducted research and made comparisons of different people according to their abilities to accomplish certain tasks. His study assured him that there must be a way to measure human intelligence. After Galton, a different kind of IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet, a French psychologist.Along with Theodore Simon, Binet developed tests for memory, vocabulary, practical knowledge, reasoning, and problem solving skills. In comparison to Galton's test, the Binet-Simon IQ test was more accurate in predicting academic success, and it is still the standard formula from which many of today's intelligence tests were derived. Alfred Binet's test was brought to the United States by Henry H. Goddard. There, the formula was revised by Lewis Terman, and a new scoring system was developed. With this scoring system, a person's IQ test score will be judged against the performance of people of the same age.

Accuracy of standard IQ Tests

Standard IQ tests Are really accurate? People often wonder why some people who are bright in class don't do so well in IQtests. On the other hand, those who don't do well in class may excel in IQ tests. This doesn't mean that IQ tests aren't accurate. It only means that some people are smarter when it comes to logic and reasoning, while others have better memory skills. Because school examinations cover such a wide array of topics, it is difficult to judge the overall intelligence of a person. Students may do well for one or two subjects that they are exceptionally good at scoring , while lower marks for subjects that they are not so interested in. There are people with low IQ test scores that do very well for their exams and the reason behind this may be just that they have studied harder than others. This has nothing to do with logic and reasoning skills; it is just a matter ofdetermination and hard work. Therefore, the definition of intelligence is a continuous debate.

IQ Tests for single and multiple abilities

People also wonder whether intelligence is just a measure for a single ability or several different abilities. Are you considered generally intelligent if you're only good at Mathematics? Or are you considered intelligent in Mathematics and just average in overall intelligence? It all depends on how you see it. Today's IQ tests are accurate as long as you take into consideration the aspects of intelligence they measure. Intelligence is still something that cannot be defined by a universal value. A genius may show exceptional intelligence in a certain field of study, but he can be quite slow-witted in other subjects. Is such a personconsidered intelligent?

Multiple IQ tests are generally more accurate, because they assess a person's intelligence in different fields of Mental abilities as well as give a more accurate account of a person's overall intelligence. Multiple IQ tests, In a person's scores from various standard IQ tests will be added up and then divided to produce an average. One good thing about taking multiple IQ tests is that you reduce the effects of certain variations in environMental factors, such as stress and mood.

How environMental factors can affect the accuracy of IQ tests?

How Accurate Are IQ Tests Standard?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

School districts, much like employers, have begun to impleMent drug-testing policies. Many school officials cite statistics relating to school performance and safety among drug users. Whether the test drug acts as a method of screening for students or as a method of deterrence from drug use, the popularity of this practice has increased significantly in many school systems.

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

Supporters of high school drug testing often cite governMental statistics. These numbers show a steadily growing number of teenage drug users each year. Those in favor of mandatory drug testing suggest that such measures may be effective in keeping teenagers from using drugs. Fear of facing expulsion from school or punishMent from their parents may be a good deterrent for high schoolstudents.

Although some officials would like to see a policy of mandatory testing of every student, most drug screenings require parental consent. Most schools require that there be probable cause or reasonable suspicion before requesting a drug test. If a teacher notices a student who appears aloof or has red and glassy eyes, he or she may request a drug test.

The Rise of High School Drug Testing

Monday, February 13, 2012

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

This is a very common question and the answer is simply no you can not use a calculator on the GMAT. Initially most people think this is a huge negative and believe they are now going to have to figure out how to multiply large numbers in there heads in less than 2 minutes.

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

Let me tell you why not being able to use a calculator on the GMAT is a good thing. First this limits the problems to answers that can be reasonably computed with out the use of a calculator. If you find yourself in a position where you need to multiply 1456 * 1987 you are probably headed down the wrong track and need to adjust your strategy.

On the GMAT you will still finding intimidating large numbers and lengthy decimals that will have you looking for your calculator but all that isactually needed is a good understanding of math fundaMentals. There is often a quicker way in which you need to develop your skills to point out repeating digits after the decimal or to memorize basic fractions.

While this may seem basic you need to be sure that you can rattle of instantly 3/8 that =. 375 "every second counts when you are taking the GMAT.

While I know some people are desperately trying to find out how to use there calculator on the GMAT, the answer is a big no.

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?