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Monday, October 15, 2012

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

When a student declares that he does not like mathematics, probably what he meant was that he is finding the teaching of algebra difficult. In schools and colleges, algebra is the core of mathematics manipulation. Any student that has a good grip in mathematics will tell you that the secret to doing well in mathematics is having a good understanding of algebraic concepts.

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Understanding Algebraic Concepts

If you are a student or perhaps your child is finding mathematics difficult, the tips below could make understanding algebraic concepts a little easy. The words that are most associated with algebraic problems are: to solve, simplify and re-arrange equations and expressions.

Solving algebraic equations

This simply requires a student to obtain a value for a variable. Ideally you have to ensure that the single variable in question is made to stay on one side of the equation. The reason for this action is to make sure that numbers are collected together separately on one side while letters or variables are collected together on the other side to avoid things been mixed up. This is the first step to solving any algebraic equations.

Checking the signs

The next important thing is to check the signs associated to the numbers and variables. You have to Watch the 'equal' sign separating the expressions. Preferably it makes sense to have all the numbers on the right hand side of the 'equality' sign while the numbers containing the unknown variables or letters tidied up on the left hand side. Now carefully ensure that signs swapped as the numbers and variables swapped sides. For example if a negative variable is swapping side to the other side of the 'equality sign', it would become a positive variable instantly.

This approach is simply the fundaMental for understanding algebraic concepts and manipulation. I would rather suggest that you spend the time mastering this art of algebraic moves in order to be competent dealing with any future algebraic problems.

Simplifying algebraic expressions

This is one of the easy problems in algebra. Here attention is needed to collect same variables together. In mathematics collecting variables of the same kind is known as 'like terms'

It is crucial to look at the variables carefully for example quadratic variables are not the same as linear variables. In order words they are not like terms. Once you have identified the like terms, the next sTAGe is to check if the expression can be simplified any further.

There are cases where you have to factorise the expressions before simplifying. In such situation, try not to mix things up. Keep is tidy at all times. Let the beauty of mathematics stands out.

Re-arranging and manipulating algebraic expressions

This is the sTAGe to display your understanding of algebraic concepts. With your knowledge of signs checking and variable swapping, you will begin to enjoy the work of your hand. You will begin to make different variables subjects of formulae. At this sTAGe your competent in mathematics will begin to show.

You have got to open your mind and believe that you can truly do mathematics before you can go the extra mile in the subject. Patience is crucial in understanding mathematics. Don't settle for a quick fix. Trial and improveMent is the best approach. Don't quit just because you found it difficult first time. Mathematics is for the patient, wise and knowledgeable.

Understanding Algebraic Concepts