Up Your Score: The Underground Guide to the SAT 2009-2010 Edition [Paperback]

Friday, February 15, 2013

Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!

Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!

Samsung Galaxy

In my three decades of advising students about scholarships and warning them about scholarship scams, one of my slogans was "There aren't a bunch of people sitting around wanting to write checks for "C" students." My latest research proves that statement to be wrong! Indeed, there are colleges that offer scholarships to "C" students and scholarships to students with low College Board scores. Doesn't make sense, but it's true.

For more than three decades I have been emphasizing good grades, high class rank, and high SAT and ACT scores as the foundation to finding scholarships. Although I will continue to chant that litany, I will also share that there are colleges that actually offer scholarships to people who have a good, solid "C" average and very strong "average" SAT and ACT scores.

In a public forum such as this, I am reluctant to simply blurt out the names of these colleges, but I will give you links to the websites if you contact me. I'm in the college prep business and I don't want to make any colleges angry with me if I publicize this kind of information, so I'll present the particulars and keep the names to protect the innocent.

College A - a state college located in a southern state:

Graduated from (name of the state) public high school and achieved a 2.50 high school GPA or 19+ ACT composite or equivalent, or graduated from a private, homeschool, or out-of-state high school or earned a GED and earned a 19+ ACT or equivalent.

Award Amounts: ,000 for 4-year University; ,500 for 2-year institution.

Let's understand this in perspective. A 2.50 is a middle "C" average which could mean the student made enough A's and B's to balance out some D's and F's. Or it could mean the student was a consistent "C" student who made a few B's to move halfway in the 2.0 - 3.0 scale.

Any way you interpret this, we are not looking at a scholar. But I am not going to judge because there are a lot of students who goofed off in high school, grew up, and did great in college. Indeed, I work with a lot of adults who dropped out of high school who returned to college and did very well. In fact, I helped one get a Harvard scholarship.

The ACT score is one point above 18, considered to be the "average" ACT score. So we have a 2.50 (slightly above average) GPA and a 19 (slightly above average) ACT score combined that will get the student a potential 00 scholarship.

This is strange for me because I often work with students who have fair to mid-line GPAs, who are otherwise intelligent, just bored in school and didn't put a lot of effort in. I can usually help them jump their SAT or ACT scores and mitigate less than spectacular GPAs. This scholarship throws a pretty heavy wrench into my paradigm.

The kicker here is that to maintain the scholarship, the student must maintain a 2.50 average in college, take at least 15 hours each semester, and be continuously enrolled. Not a significant challenge. The scholarship continues until the student graduates, completes 130 hours, or 8 semesters.

This goes to prove that there are many secret, hidden scholarship opportunities out there. It just takes some digging. However, I also want to caution you that there are also many scholarship scammers out there, too, who will take your money and promise you your mailbox will be filled with checks. I've never seen that played out in my three decades of doing this work.

As always, in dealing with college funding, always deal with a professional. Make sure they have letters (either degrees or professional designations) behind their name and can give you actual names of people who received funding due to their efforts. If at any time you feel pressured into writing a check or giving them a credit card number, or if they say the offer is only good right then, run away!

Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!

Good Sat Score

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.40 Mins.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES on.rt.com RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

No URL Meteorite crash in Russia: Video of meteorite explosion that stirred panic in Urals region

ISO Quality Management System Objectives

Samsung Galaxy

What kind of quality objectives should you have in an ISO9001:2000 quality management system?

When first setting up an ISO9001:2000 quality management system, one of the most common questions is "What should my objectives be?"

One of the requirements of the ISO9001:2000 quality standard is that the organization establish and monitor quality objectives. There is no specific requirement about how many quality objectives you must have, or what those objectives might be. As with much of the ISO9001:2000 quality standard, this is left up to you and your auditor.

Having only one quality objective is probably too few. Having twenty is probably too many. In this writer's experience as a quality manager and ISO consultant for several ISO registered companies, its good to have somewhere between 3 to 8 quality objectives. It's always a good idea to keep your quality objectives, as well as your entire quality system, as simple as possible while still meeting the standard's requirements.

Some people may feel that a good quality objective should relate to the company's profitability. A good case can be made for this, as most profit oriented companies hold the bottom line above all else. However I believe that merely looking at the company's profit is not going deep enough when deciding what your objectives should be. Profit is a good indication that your company is doing something right, of course, but there are other, better objectives for a quality system that will lead you more profits, as well as increased customer satisfaction, fewer returns and reduced overhead.

One of the common quality objectives, and a good one, is to measure customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is subjective, to be sure. And it is difficult to measure using a ruler, micrometer, or calipers. Some companies include a survey with their products, using a stamped, addressed card with various questions, in the hopes that the customer will complete the survey and return it to the company. While few customers take the time to complete such surveys, if only one percent of your customer respond, you'll probably have a pretty good sampling of customers' attitudes towards your company.

Measuring customer satisfaction is usually a very worthwhile objective, as customer satisfaction covers a large part of your company's activities, including sales, R&D, manufacturing, purchasing, etc.

Be sure to write your survey questions in such a manner that they can be easily scored using a numerical system. It is much easier to measure an increase (or decrease) in customer satisfaction if each response can be assigned a number. For example, one of your quality objectives could be "To have a customer satisfaction score of 98 percent". If you ever reach your objective, you should increase the goal so you are constantly trying to improve your quality system.

Another quality objective might be "Number of returned products per month to be 10 or less". This is an easily tracked objective that also relates to numerous areas of your company. For example, returns might be due to faulty information given by the salesperson. Returns might be due to defective product. A return can come back due to a shipping mistake. Keeping track of the reasons for returns, and how many returns are attributed to each reason, is a good way to know where your company needs to improve its procedures.

For those of you thinking about implementing your own ISO9001:2000 quality management system, these tips and many more can be found in the quality manual template bundle available at http://www.ISO-Quality-Manual.com.

ISO Quality Management System Objectives

Good Sat Score

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

TWEET IT - clicktotweet.com It has perplexed humanity from as early as the Ancient Greeks. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? We take a crack at this curious conundrum. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Mitchell Moffit www.mitchellmoffit.com http www.facebook.com Gregory Brown www.gregorybrownart.tumblr.com http Further Reading -- Eggshell Protein 1) bit.ly Debate 2) www.guardian.co.uk

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

No URL Which Came First - The Chicken or the Egg?

ACT Test: How to Raise Your Score to Get Scholarships

Samsung Galaxy

Raising your score on the ACT test is a critical part of qualifying for scholarships so that you can afford the college of your choice. However, it is not as simple as just studying more or working harder to raise your ACT test score.

The answer to how to raise your ACT test score to get scholarships lies in mastering the test instead of just studying the subjects. The key is not in the English, Math, Reading and Science knowledge. Most students who take the test are proficient enough in these subjects to get a higher score than they are getting.

Since knowledge of the subject matter isn't the key, then what is the way to master the test? There are three specifics areas of test taking skills to master in order to raise your ACT test score to qualify for more scholarships.

1) Time management is the first aspect that must be considered in order to improve your test taking skills. Many students lose a lot of points on the test merely because they run out of time. Time management is more than just watching the clock though.

2) The second aspect of raising your ACT score is learning how to answer questions quickly. For instance, on the Math test, it is not always necessary to know how to solve the problem in order to get the right score. Understanding "rounding" and "process of elimination" to rule out wrong answers helps you get questions right and save time as well.

3) Finally, you need to learn what areas to focus on in your studying in order to raise your ACT test score. Unless you are realistically aiming for a score of 31 or higher, for instance, studying Trigonometry is a waste of time, as there are only 4 Trig questions on the test. Additionally, by learning how to analyze your sub-scores on Math and English, you will save a lot of time studying just the right things.

With the right focus, that of studying smart instead of just working hard, it is possible to raise your ACT score significantly in order to qualify for scholarships. However, it takes focus and a strategy that is borne out of a very good understanding of the ACT test.

Check out a good ACT prep course, preferably one that is video based for better retention, that focuses not on subject matter and test content, but rather on test taking skills.

ACT Test: How to Raise Your Score to Get Scholarships

Good Sat Score

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.98 Mins.

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

The Ferrari Enzo, nothing can replace this!

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

The Ferrari Enzo WRC

No URL The Ferrari Enzo WRC

The Ferrari Enzo, nothing can replace this!


Good Sat Score

ACT Test: How to Raise Your Score to Get Scholarships

ACT Test: How to Raise Your Score to Get Scholarships
ACT Test: How to Raise Your Score to Get Scholarships

Good Sat Score

TWEET IT - clicktotweet.com It has perplexed humanity from as early as the Ancient Greeks. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? We take a crack at this curious conundrum. Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz). TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Mitchell Moffit www.mitchellmoffit.com http www.facebook.com Gregory Brown www.gregorybrownart.tumblr.com http Further Reading -- Eggshell Protein 1) bit.ly Debate 2) www.guardian.co.uk


Good Sat Score

ISO Quality Management System Objectives

ISO Quality Management System Objectives
ISO Quality Management System Objectives

Good Sat Score

Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working. FULL STORY AND PICTURES on.rt.com RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.


Good Sat Score

Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!

Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!
Scholarships For "C" Students - Believe it Or Not, It's True!

Good Sat Score

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